
Nell Miles (she/her)

Nell is a second year biologist and loves all things nature and conservation. She’s passionate about climate optimism and using solution-based initiatives to tackle the climate and biodiversity crises, and is excited to see Oxford Trees for the Future be a part of that movement. Outside of university Nell loves Star Wars, reading fiction and getting into green spaces for a walk. She can’t wait to see the society grow over the next year with both new and existing members getting involved!

Dan Bowen (he/him)

Hi, I’m Dan Bowen, a second year biology student at Queen’s College, and I’m the Secretary of Oxford Trees for the Future. I love nature and the environment, and am a keen wildlife photographer - you can find me @danrb.photograph on most social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook). I have been involved with Oxtrees since last academic year, helping to produce the biodiversity enhancement guide booklet and have loved working and communicating with colleges. I’m looking forward to working with the society more over the next year and hoping to see more environmentally enthusiastic people very soon!

Mia Clement (she/they)
Comms + Media Officer

Mia is a second-year geographer at Christ Church, focusing on sustainability, the climate crisis, intersectional justice and equality. An intersectional perspective deepens the understanding that there is diversity and nuance in the ways in which people hold power and privilege, encouraging theoretical understandings of identity that are more complex than simple binaries. As a life-long activist, Mia is striving to understand, be educated and provide a platform for others to voice their struggles and lives. Mia is also a BIG Lord of the Rings fan and digital artist.

Yingbo Li (he/him)
IT/Website Officer

Hello, I run this website for Oxtrees, developing and implementing new ways of sharing information related to biodiversity here. I also maintain and write code to process various datasets used in creating this website.